The Effect of Marketing Mix (4P) on Buying Decision: Empirical Study on Brand of Samsung Smartphone Product

  • A. Asdi Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
  • Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Putra Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Price, Product, Place, Promotion, Buying Decision


Objectively, this study addresses research focuses such us: 1). Do pricing strategies, product factors, strategic sales locations, and promotional factors influence Samsung brand smartphones' purchasing decision in Makassar City. The implication to be achieved in this study is that it can provide a positive implementation both from a theoretical point of view, which is useful for the development of marketing studies for learners and impacts managerial implication for stakeholders and actors. This study was conducted in Makassar City, with the research subjects being 211 Samsung smartphone users who were taken using the purposive random sampling method. The method of analysis is a quantitative approach with linear regression as the unit of analysis. The study results indicate that all variables (e.g., price, product, place, promotion) have a positive and significant effect on buying decisions.


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How to Cite
Asdi, A., & Putra, A. H. P. K. (2020). The Effect of Marketing Mix (4P) on Buying Decision: Empirical Study on Brand of Samsung Smartphone Product. Point of View Research Management, 1(4), 121 - 130. Retrieved from