Effect of Reward, Leadership, Ability and Experience on Employee Performance

  • Muhammad Rudi Doctoral Student in Management Science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Muhammad Arif Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Mapparenta Mapparenta Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Reward, Leadership, Ability, Experience, Employee Performance


This study aims to examine the effect of elements such as appreciation, leadership, ability, and experience on employee performance at the Gowa Regency Department of Fisheries, Marine Affairs, and Livestock. This study employs a descriptive and inferential analysis known as multiple regression analysis. The population studied in this study is the Department of Marine Fisheries and Livestock in Gowa Regency; it totals 49 people when all characteristics are included. Sampling with a saturated sampling technique encompasses the entire population. The findings indicated that the variables of appreciation, leadership, ability, and experience substantially affected employee performance at the Gowa Regency Department of Fisheries, Marine Affairs, and Livestock. To a certain extent, the variables of appreciation, leadership, capability, and experience substantially impact staff performance at the Gowa Regency Department of Fisheries, Marine Affairs, and Livestock. The experience variable has the most significant effect on employee performance, indicating that regardless of how well an employee's ability requirements are met without adequate experience, the employee will not perform optimally, and regardless of how well leadership and rewards are implemented without the support of capable and experienced employees, the employee will not perform well.


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How to Cite
Rudi, M., Arif, M., & Mapparenta, M. (2022). Effect of Reward, Leadership, Ability and Experience on Employee Performance. Point of View Research Management, 3(2), 134 - 146. Retrieved from https://www.journal.accountingpointofview.id/index.php/POVREMA/article/view/200