Analysis of Financial Performance: Report Study of PT. Bank Panin

  • Budhi Krisnanto Institut Bisnis dan Keuangan Nitro
  • Sujatmiko Institut Bisnis dan Keuangan Nitro
Keywords: Capital Asset, Earning Management, Liquidity, CAMEL Method


The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the financial performance of PT. Bank Panin Tbk is healthy or not. In comparison, this study aims to analyze the financial performance of PT. Bank Panin Tbk. This research uses qualitative and quantitative data types, and data sources come from primary and secondary data. This study uses descriptive analysis, namely analyzing financial performance at PT. Bank Panin Tbk Makassar Branch. Then also used financial ratio analysis with the CAMEL method. The results of this study were (1) PT. Bank Panin Tbk is classified as a banking company with a proper predicate. This is indicated by the CAMEL value from 2017 to 2020, respectively, 94.88, 95.12, and 94.69. (2) Based on the results of these calculations, it is known that the financial performance of PT Bank Panin Tbk is healthy.


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How to Cite
Budhi Krisnanto, & Sujatmiko. (2021). Analysis of Financial Performance: Report Study of PT. Bank Panin. Point of View Research Management, 2(2), 104 - 122. Retrieved from