This research aims to investigate the effect of compensation and work quality on job satisfaction and employee performance at the Center for Quality Assurance Development of Vocational Education in Maritime, Fisheries, Information and Communication Technology (BPPMPV KPTK). The research used a quantitative approach with a survey design, taking a sample of 126 employees (78 civil servants and 48 non-permanent staff) using a total sampling technique. Data was collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation from May to July 2024. The analysis results show that work quality plays the most important role in optimizing the performance of BPPMPV KPTK employees, employees actively involved in each work or project have higher work quality, which supports their performance optimization. However, the compensation factor also has a significant impact on employee performance at BPPMPV KPTK. In addition, job satisfaction also acts as a mediator between compensation and work quality on employee performance. The most effective strategy for improving employee performance at BPPMPV KPTK is to focus on improving the quality of work. Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of continuing to improve factors that affect the quality of work and employee job satisfaction as part of a human resource management strategy. By prioritizing the development of work quality, BPPMPV KPTK can effectively improve performance and meet organizational goals
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