Social Distensing and Small Business Resilience in Makassar City

  • Muhammad Januar Galang Rivaldan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Keywords: Social Distensing, Small Business, Resilience


The Indonesian government has declared the Covid-19 corona virus as a non-natural disaster status. The impact of Covid-19 is positive; for example, there are new opportunities related to technological acceleration, especially in the fields of business and education, which are overgrowing during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the majority of Covid-19 hurts the environment and society. This research was conducted qualitatively. The qualitative research method is called a new method because of its recent popularity; this method is post-positivistic because it is based on the philosophy of post-positivism. This method is also called the artistic method because the research process is more artistic (less patterned) and is called the interpretive method because the research data is more related to interpreting the data found in the field. (Sugiyono, 2010). This research was conducted by taking locations at the Losari Beach Pavilion, Urip simiharjao street, and independence pioneer road. The time required for observation and observation is from June to July 1, 2021. Based on the results of the research and discussion above, this study concludes that social distancing and physical distancing hurt the resilience efforts of Small Businesses in Makassar City. Government policies in providing capital assistance and tax relief to small businesses affected by Covid-19 have an impact on the resilience of Small Businesses in Makassar City. The government's policy towards encouraging a digital marketing system will affect the sales turnover of small businesses in Makassar City. This study suggests that the Makassar city government must be more responsive in encouraging small businesses affected by the corona by providing liquidity assistance and technology to develop with increasingly advanced business situations and environments. The capital assistance scheme for small businesses affected by Covid-19 must be carried out by paying attention to the accuracy of recipient data; The government does not make a mistake in assisting.


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How to Cite
Rivaldan, M. J. G. (2021). Social Distensing and Small Business Resilience in Makassar City. Point of View Research Economic Development, 2(1), 24-31. Retrieved from