The Influence of Inflation, Domestic Investment and Foreign Investment on Economic Growth

  • Imran Tajuddin Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Keywords: Inflation, Domestic investment, Foreign investment, Economic growth


This study aims to determine the effect of inflation, PMDN, and PMA on the economic growth of Makassar City in 2008.2017. The research location is in Makassar City, and the data collection center is at the BPS (Central Statistics Agency) South Sulawesi and BKPMD South Sulawesi Province using secondary data (Time Series) for a period of 10 years (2008-2017). The analytical model used in this study is descriptive statistics, model testing, and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 21. The results show that inflation has a positive but not significant effect on increasing economic growth in Makassar City from 2008-2017. PMDN has a negative and insignificant effect on increasing Makassar City's economic growth from 2008-2017. If there is an increase in PMDN, it will reduce economic growth in Makassar City and vice versa. If there is a decrease in PMDN, it will increase economic growth in Makassar City. PMA has a positive but not significant effect on increasing economic growth in Makassar City from 2008-2017.


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How to Cite
Tajuddin, I. (2021). The Influence of Inflation, Domestic Investment and Foreign Investment on Economic Growth. Point of View Research Economic Development, 2(2), 68 - 79. Retrieved from